We have engineered a user-friendly platform that simplifies the distribution of safety documents, including SUSARs and DSURs, with just a single click. This SaaS (Software as a Service) offering not only automates document distribution but also meticulously monitors the entire lifecycle: from delivery to safety, acknowledgments, and sharing with LECs (Local Ethics Committee). It allows to send reminder UNITYdx is a multichannel communication hub to ensure prompt, compliant, efficient, and secure communication between Clinical Trial Site, Safety Teams (CRO & sponsor), and Clinical Teams.

Moreover, UNITYdx stands out for its convenience and rapid deployment. It is pre-validated system and seamlessly integrates with a wide range of safety databases capable of producing E2B Files, a standard format for reporting adverse events.

UNITYdx excels in automating safety document notifications with digital tracking, ensuring that Principal Investigators stay informed promptly. We’ve built UNITYdx on a foundation of robust and highly available infrastructure hosted securely on AWS, complete with backup and redundant servers, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Real-time integration of data from disparate sources empowers proactive responses and allows for diligent monitoring of protocol compliance. Beyond SUSARs, UNITYdx extends its capabilities to encompass safety document distribution and reconciliation for DSUR’s, and other critical documents within regulated environments, e.g, safety line listing, USRs (Urgent Safety Reports).

In summary, UNITYdx is your comprehensive solution for streamlining Safety Document Distribution, improving compliance tracking, and enhancing efficiency across the board. Join us in embracing a new era of safety document management within the regulated realm.

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